Imagine being a Grandparent to a child that lives far away, or a parent overseas. This is the market that Hallmark is pursuing for Grandparents Day 2010.
Grandparents day is on September 12th. As a customer of Hallmark, I received an e-mail with books in the heading. Knowing that Hallmark is an early adopter, I just checked it out, and it seems very cool.
In September there will be 12 total books available. There is a demo on the Hallmakr page. The user pages through the book, hits the record and stop buttons on each page, then when done hits the lock switch hidden beneath a screw in the battery comparment.
As the user turns the pages, the technology recognizes what page they are on and plays back the recording for that page.
This may not be a workable idea for your business, but it could be a great gift idea. Here's the link: