Most companies and associations are dealing with the challenges of:
1) How do I reduce costs?
2) How do I function with my already reduced staff?
These challenges combined with the others that have been around for a long time:
How do I control Branding across my organization?
How do I get Rogue spending under control?
Why are my storage costs so high?
How can we eliminate the cost of inventory obsolesence?
The reaction to these questions is usually AAAHH!!
The answer to these questions, may be a Storefront / Web to Print Solution. An on-line Storefront allows for templates of your images to be personalized, with both text and images, and ordered. Think of: Business Cards, Stationary for Regional offices, Event Brochure, Fundraising walks, Menus for Franchises, Signage...
Ordering steps are as simple as most internet transactions:
1) User logs into the site and chooses an item to create from an existing template
2) The template is personalized with text, or images
3) An on-line proof is generated and must be approved by the user
4) The order is submitted
5) The order goes to an approval agent, or approval agents within the organization. This makes sure that the new guy is not ordering a business card with the title, "Master of the Universe". It also make sure the site is being used properly, and eliminates rogue spending
6) Sometimes orders are instructed to queue up, this allows for printing efficiencies, and is very common for Business Cards. Other times, the order is urgent and printed and shipped within a 24 hour time period.
If you ever want to see an example of a working site, just shoot me an e-mail.